Wedding MC – What Are They Exactly?
A Wedding MC is your wedding master of ceremonies. (That’s what MC stands for!). And a master of ceremonies should be just that. They should be a master of their craft and organising and overseeing the ceremony and proceedings of your wedding reception. In this article we will look at some of the things you should carefully consider when choosing the right person to fulfill this often underrated, but very important role for your wedding day.
All too often these days, people tend to think of the wedding mc role as just a sub-standard role that doesn’t really bear much importance on the success of the day. This is a massive mistake as a bad master of ceremonies can very quickly bring a great wedding down to a painful and unpleasant event. Being in the wedding industry as a full time professional, I have seen hundreds and hundreds of MCs and could count to this day on one hand the number I have seen that actually did a passable job.
Generally, this is due to the fact that the bridal couple will make the huge mistake of asking a friend or family member to fulfill this role. This is not their fault, it is simply that they do not understand what a Master of Ceremonies is actually supposed to do! If they did, they would never ask a friend or family member to take on this massive task.
So what should a Wedding MC do?
Sadly most couples will pick from their family and friends someone that they feel is the funniest, or is best at speaking in front of people. Well, a little humor is great and being able to speak clearly and be understood is also important but it’s not quite that simple. Often I have seen these “best picks” make the blaring mistake of trying to become the stars of the show and make it all about themselves. This is not only inappropriate, it is downright rude. The stars of the show are the bridal couple. I have also been asked many times to step in and take over the role of master of ceremonies when the appointed family member or friend has suddenly felt overwhelmed by the enormity and gravity of the seriousness of the role.
A good Gold Coast Wedding MC is responsible for –
- Greeting guests upon arrival
- Be completely familiar (before the day) of the order of events and schedule
- Communicate and liaise throughout the entire event with all suppliers
- Be prepared to run last minute errands including delegation of tasks if required
- Stay in frequent contact with the bride and groom to ensure they know what is happening and when
- Arrive well before any of the guests and leave after the guests at the end of the night
- Be completely comfortable with microphone technique
- Be familiar with the microphone that will be used on the reception night
- Ensure they know how to correctly perform the announcement for the grand entrance
- Introduce each speaker and know the order in which speeches will be made
- Ensure they know any other events might be planned for the night and how to run them
Ensure you are using a quality Wedding MC
At NikNat Entertainment, we are proud to have done extensive training with world renowned wedding MC expert, Mark Ferrell. Owner of NikNat Entertainment, Nik Reeds has spent many days in the capable hands of this world leader learning how to become one of this countries leading Masters of Ceremonies. We would be absolutely honored to provide our professional wedding MC services to your special day.