So another year has closed and another year has JUST begun. Happy New Year to you all!
The NikNat family LOVE New Years day. It gives us a chance to stop and reflect on, and feel grateful for all the lives we have been able to touch. We feel very honoured to be able to, in our small way, give our couples an amazing experience for the start of their married life – their wedding day.
Memories and emotions are so powerful and it’s these that we treasure for life.
The ushering in of the New Year often brings mixed emotions to us all. It is that time of the year that we stop and reflect on what has happened in the year just past. There is a mix of many great things and for some, a little sadness. This gives us a feeling of melancholy, but also hope. Hope that the year that we are beginning will be the best year yet.
New Year is also the time to reflect on our friends and family. To remember those we sadly lost and to remember to tell those we are fortunate to still have how much they mean to us. To remember to carry this forward throughout the year. New Year reminds us to embrace each day and to remember to stop and enjoy the moment from time to time in our busy lives.
It is also of course the time we make resolutions we are probably going to break! Maybe it is to get more healthy, to cease a habit, to invest more wisely, to complete a course … whatever it is. We wish you luck!
Whatever your goals for 2018. Remember to remember the important things. Stop and take the time to tell those around you how much you love them. Move forward with love for yourself and those around you and your year will be amazing, no matter what other factors the year brings. The world around us may be getting more and more crazy, but we can’t control those things. The only thing we can control is where to choose to focus. Turn your focus to love, understanding and compassion and you can’t go wrong.
We wish you a very happy 2018.
Nik & Natalie