There are a lot of options out there when it comes to choosing the right Master of Ceremonies to host your event. Many times people will choose their celebrant to take this role. Other times people will hire a dedicated MC. Still other times people will let their DJ be the MC.
Some make the mistake of NOT hiring a professional of any type and ask a friend or family member to do it. Which typically turns out less successful than expected, there are plenty of other articles on this site on why you should be hiring a professional MC over a friend or family member for you to explore without going into it here.
Which ever you choose, your MC should be “onto it” not only on the day, but well before the day. Your MC is the “captain” that steers the ship. Mapping out a course well before the day has arrived with you to ensure everything is going to run smoothly. They will also work with all the other elements of your day including other vendors by contacting them before the day, and working with them on the day to keep things running smoothly.
Your MC will be the person given executive control by making decisions on your behalf should things need to be rectified. You should feel comfortable that this person has experience and knows what they are doing to keep things running just the way it was planned.
One thing that many MCs don’t do is think to take the entertainment experience to the next level by including fun games into the event.
A lot of MCs have started doing the “shoe game”, where the couple sit on chairs back to back and answer a series of questions by holding up the corresponding shoe of who they think fits the question the most. Questions like “Who is the better kisser?”, “Who owns the most shoes?”, “Who is the better driver?” etc.
This is a fun game, but … in my opinion a little overdone as it has become a staple at almost every wedding.
I personally like to provide even more fun games, such as the Wedding Scavenger Hunt. This is a game I love as it puts the focus for a short time on your guests as the players and gives them a lot of laughs and a great time. Explaining it would take a bit too long, so instead check out this video of me hosting this game here.
Another great game is the “Blindfolded Dance Off”. This is a great game which gives everyone a great chance to laugh out loud (at the unfortunate expense of someone you have pre-selected to make the “victim”). It’s important to choose someone that can take a joke and happy to be laughed at ultimately when they find out what happened.
It goes like this … you tell me who you want to make the victim of the game. Usually a Best Man etc. I then walk around each table letting them know that we are going to be later on having some fun by letting the best man dance (unknowingly) all by himself on the dance floor as it is blindfolded and thinks he is joined by others (which he isn’t).
Each table sends up their “nominated dancer” and all participants are blindfolded. Once the music starts, all the participants (other than the victim) know this is the cue to take the blindfold off and go and sit down, leaving the “victim” to dance all by themselves feeling secure that others are still there dancing with them!
Adding games like this isn’t for everyone, but it definitely adds a great, fun element to your night that will have guests talking about for years to come.
Afterall, not everyone will be dancers. These elements give your guests that are not into dancing a great element of entertainment to remember.
Consider how adding some games to your wedding day can enhance your guests experience. Most couples, when asked what the most important thing is for their wedding day say “I just want everyone to have a good time”. By adding this sort of element you are helping to fulfil that wish.